Creating a Rental File

Creating a Rental File

When should a new file be created?
A new customer file is necessary whenever there are changes to the parties involved in the agreement, including:
• A new tenant moves into the property.
• An existing relocates from one property you manage to another.
• The property is sold, and the new owner requests your management services for it.

1. Click on Admin on the Main Menu then on Customer Files.

2. Select Rental on the menu heading.

3. Click on Add Rental File button.

4. Create File screen will open.  The screen is divided into six (6) sections, with certain fields marked as mandatory:
  1. File Name Provide the File Name and File Description  (mandatory)
  2. Property: Link a property  (mandatory)
  3. Landlord
  4. Mandate: Select mandate type  (mandatory)
  5. Tenant
  6. Lease Details – if enabled, add rental value

6. Create File Name and Description (mandatory)
Type in the File Name (is used by the tenant for rental payment e.g., RENTAL001) and File Description (is quick reference of the property e.g., 11 Villa Dine).
  1. Uniqueness: Ensure that the file name is distinct from past and future file names.
  2. No special characters: Avoid using foreign characters (e.g., ': ;') in both the file name and description.
  3. Length: The file name must be under fifteen (15) characters in length.

7. Property Section (mandatory)
Link a property to the file. The user will choose either to (A) link an existing property or (B) create a new property.
What constitutes a property in PropWorx?
In PropWorx, a property denotes the particular section or space being leased. Examples of properties that can be created include: 
• A unit within a building, flats or complex (e.g., Unit 16 in Villa Vista Apartments)
• A standalone home on a street (e.g., 166 Vista Glen Street)
• A room within a shared communal property (e.g., Room 1, 166 Vista Glen Street) 
  1. A) Link an Existing Property: type in the search field. PropWorx will filter results of existing properties. Select by clicking on the property to be linked to the file. 

  1. B) Create a New Property: click on the add () button. Search Address screen will appear. Type and select the address. Create New property screen will appear.  (see Create a property: From Create File Screen

8. Link Landlord/s section: This section can be skipped and added after the file is created.  
Link a landlord (optional) to the file. User will either link an (A) Existing Contact or (B) Create a new contact:
  1. Option A) Link an Existing Contact: type in the search field. PropWorx will filter results of existing contacts. Select by clicking on the contact to be linked to the file. Repeat loading contacts if required.

  1. Option B) Create a New Contact: click on the add () button. Select the contact type (i.e., Person or Company). Create New contact screen will appear. Repeat if required. (see Create a Contact – From Create File Screen)

9. Mandate Section: Most fields in this section can be skipped and added after the file is created.  
Select the Administration Type (mandatory), choose between:
  1. Managed – Select this option if you want recurring tenant statements to be distributed for the property.
  2. Non-managed – Choose this if the property does not require recurring management (e.g., for one-time leases or placement-only mandates).

Select Commission (if required), type in the listing value and choose between percentage base or fixed rate). 
  1. Add the recurring commission (managed) or once-off commission (non-managed) to be charged to the landlord/s.
  2. Additional fees (like inspection, placement fee) will be added as separate entry under the Landlord's expenses tab.

Select Agent or Commission splits (if required), select the agent and split value. (see Agents: Manage Agent Profiles and Commissions)
  1. Click Add Income Account, select from the Agents or Income Accounts list (repeat as required).
  2. Optional: Once agents/income accounts are loaded, click on the edit () button to adjust splits. This allows you to generate fee reports for the specific agent/s or income accounts.

10. Link Tenant/s section: This section can be skipped and added after the file is created.  
Link a Tenant/s (optional) to the file. User will either link an (A) Existing Contact or (B) Create a new contact:
  1. Option A) Link an Existing Contact: type in the search field. PropWorx will filter results of existing contacts. Select by clicking on the contact to be linked to the file. Repeat loading contacts if required.

  1. Option B) Create a New Contact: click on the add () button. Select the contact type (i.e., Person or Company). Create New contact screen will appear. Repeat if required. (see Create a Contact – From Create File Screen)

11. Lease Details Section: This section can be skipped and added after the file is created. 
Click on Add Lease button. Lease details fields will appear. 
  1. Add Rental Amount and VAT fields (mandatory).
  2. Select Rental Charge Frequency: Once-Off, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Quarterly and yearly.
  3. Enable Lease Active toggle to activate the lease. 

12. Click the Save button to create the file. All fields that are fields or sections not filled in can be added later directly on the create file.

13. The file will be created and appear under the Customer Files list.

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