Property Tab: Link a Different Property to a File

Property Tab: Link a Different Property to a File

If the file is created with the wrong property, the user is able to link a different property to the file. User must not edit the “wrong property” details, as the changes made to the property profile will change everywhere the property is linked to (this includes changing on other files where the property may be linked to). 

If the Customer file was created without a property, the user is able to link the property to the file.

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2. Click on Customer Files.

3. Select Rental or Sale on the menu heading.

4. Click on the File Name to open file. 

5. Customer File will open. Click on Property on the file tab ribbon bar. 

6. Property screen will open. 
7. To edit the details, click on Edit button.

8. Click on Link a Different Property button.

9. Property portfolio List will open.
10. from the list of existing properties, select property by clicking on the property address. (Note: if the property is not on the list, the user will need to create the property before linking to the file. See Create a Property from the Property report)

11. The selected property will now be loaded to the Property Tab of the file.  Click on Save Changes to update record details.

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