All Properties Stock / Portfolio Report

All Properties Stock / Portfolio Report

Properties report is a list of stock in the database portfolio. A property can be either linked to an active rental, sales, or both. Any properties not linked to any active files will be considered as unassigned properties.

All Property ReportAll Property Report - Video
1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click All Properties

4. Property Report will open.

5. Optional: Change Stock Type Filter from All, Rental, Sale and Unassigned
  1. Rental – is property stock that is linked to active rental file. Once the file is deactivated, the property will become unassigned until it is linked to an active file. 
  2. Sale – is property stock that is linked to active sale file. Once the file is deactivated, the property will become unassigned until it is linked to an active file or property.
  3. Unassigned – is property stock where the property is not linked to any active files (i.e., can be used for vacant stock)

Add New Property

1. Click on Add Properties

2. Type in the property address in the search address and select address. 

2. Property Screen will appear.

3. There are three options when creating a new property:
  1. Create a stand-alone property/house
  2. Create a property in a complex/building

Create a stand-alone property/house

  1. Optional: Add additional street address details (i.e., street number) and property type
  2. Optional: additional properties details: building Specs, Rooms, External Features, Other Features, Services & Inclusions and Points of Interest.

Create a property in a complex/building

Type in the Unit Number and select Complex/Building from the drop-down menu. If the complex/building does not exist, you can create a new complex/building. 
  1. Optional: Add additional street address details (i.e., street number) and property type
  2. Optional: additional properties details: building Specs, Rooms, External Features, Other Features, Services & Inclusions and Points of Interest.

Create a new Complex/Building
Click on the Add Complex/Building button. 

Complex/building screen will open. Type in the Scheme Name.

Under Address Section: Search the address in the Search Address field and select address from list. 

Optional: Link Contacts to the Complex/Building (e.g., Body Corporate and Caretaker). Click Add Contacts and select contact type (e.g., Managing Agent). Search and select the contact and click add to link contact to the complex/building. 

To Finish, click Save. Complex/Building will now appear under the complex/building dropdown. 

4. To Finish, click Save. Property will be created and appear on the property report.

View Property Profile

1. Click on the Property Address to view property profile.

2. Selected Property Profile will open.  

To Edit: Click on Edit to property record details.

To Save: Click on Save Changes to update property record details

To Go Back: Click on Back to go back to main property report

3. Property Profile is split into six (6) sections:
  1. Property
  2. Leases
  3. Sales
  4. Mandate
  5. Inspection
  6. Maintenance


Click on Property. Property will show property details, address details, feature details and documents loaded against the property. 


Click on Leases. Leases will provide a list of all rental files that have been linked to the property. To open a file, click on the file name. 
  1. White/Green Rows: are the active/open files
  2. Grey rows: are the inactive/closed files


Click on Sales. Sales will provide a list of all sales files that have been linked to the property. To open a file, click on the file name. 
  1. White/Green Rows: are the active/open files
  2. Grey rows: are the inactive/closed files


Click on Mandate. Mandate will provide a list of all mandates for rental and sales files that have been linked to the property. To open a file, click on the file name. 
  1. White/Green Rows: are the active/open files
  2. Grey rows: are the inactive/closed files


Click on Inspections. Inspections will provide a list of all inspections performed for rental and sales files linked to the property. To open an inspection record, click on the file name. 


Click on Maintenance. Maintenance will provide a list of all maintenance performed for rental and sales files linked to the property. To open a maintenance record, click on the file name. 

Change Property Status

If a property is no longer in your portfolio, users are able to archive the property to be inactive. The property can always be reactivated if the property becomes part of the portfolio in the future.  Inactivating properties will not delete the property from database or unlink the property from files. The property will be no longer be an active property in your portfolio. You are able to still select property to a file if required. By reselecting an inactive property to a new file will automatically reactivate the property.
1. Tick the tick box for the property to be archived and click Change Status

2. Click on Inactive

3. Property will become inactive and be archived. To reactivate the property, follow the same steps and click to Active. 

Merge Properties

Property merging allows a user to merge two or more property records into one master record. By merging the records, you will be replacing the one property details with the chosen master record details. All related records including Attachments and Property Details will be replaced with the chosen Master Record. If the property is linked to any files, the property details on the property tab of the related files will be replaced with the chosen Master Record.

1. Tick the tick box for the properties to be merged and click Merge

2. Property Merge screen will open. Select the property to become the Master Record by ticking the tick box and click Merge
  1. Top grid—shows all the selected properties
  2. Bottom grid—shows all the files the related properties are linked to (if appliable)

3. All other properties will be deleted and their associated files and will be replaced with the selected master record. Files linked to the deleted properties will now point to the new chosen master record instead.

View Properties Report by Grouping

1. Click on the Grouping drop down.

2. Select grouping type, choose between:
  1. Group by Building
  2. Group by Type
  3. Custom

Group by Building

Grouping will be according to the complex/building linked to the properties

Group by Type

Grouping will be according to the property type linked to the properties

Grouping by Custom

Grouping will be according to user's own selection by picking columns for grouping. Drag & drop columns into the custom filter section. 

General Report Functions available*:
*Reports may differ, and some reports may have additional filters/features functions
Send correspondence: Send out emails or SMSes from PropWorx to selected clients. 

Show & Hide Columns – click column selector and tick (to show) or untick (to hide) columns.

Export Reports – click to export reports to PDF & Excel.

File Status Filter – Filter report status from Active to Inactive or All.

Search – type in the search field

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