Create a Property from the Property report
Properties can be created before a file is created. Alternatively, properties can create at the point of creating a file.
1. Click Admin on the Main Menu.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click All Properties
4. Property Report will open.
5. . Click on Add Properties
6. Type in the property address in the search address and select address.
7. Property Screen will appear.
8. There are three options when creating a new property:
- Create a stand-alone property/house
- Create a property in a complex/building
Create a stand-alone property/house
- Optional: Add additional street address details (i.e., street number) and property type
- Optional: additional properties details: building Specs, Rooms, External Features, Other Features, Services & Inclusions and Points of Interest.
Create a property in a complex/building
Type in the Unit Number and select Complex/Building from the drop-down menu. If the complex/building does not exist, you can create a new complex/building.
- Optional: Add additional street address details (i.e., street number) and property type
- Optional: additional properties details: building Specs, Rooms, External Features, Other Features, Services & Inclusions and Points of Interest.
Create a new Complex/Building
Click on the Add Complex/Building button.
Complex/building screen will open. Type in the Scheme Name.
Under Address Section: Search the address in the Search Address field and select address from list.
Optional: Link Contacts to the Complex/Building (e.g., Body Corporate and Caretaker). Click Add Contacts and select contact type (e.g., Managing Agent). Search and select the contact and click add to link contact to the complex/building.
To Finish, click Save. Complex/Building will now appear under the complex/building dropdown.
4. To Finish, click Save. Property will be created and appear on the property report.
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