Communication - View Sent Items (Emails or SMSes)

Communication - View Sent Items (Emails or SMSes)

Sent Emails and SMS communication can be forwarded as an email  

There are three ways to forward sent items from PropWorx:

  1. Option 1: View All Communication Report
  2. Option 2: View all communication sent out from a particular customer file tab (e.g., Property tab)
  3. Option 3: View all communication for a Customer File – Communication Tab

Option 1: View All Communication Report

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2.Click on Communication

3. On the main ribbon bar, select All Communication

4. All communications sent by all users will appear on this report. To open a sent item, click on Communication Date.

5. Selected Communication will open. 

Option 2: View all communication sent from a particular Customer File Tab (e.g. Property Tab)

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2. Click on Customer Files.

3. Select Rental or Sales on the menu heading.

4. Click on the File Name to open the file. 

5. Customer File will open. Click on a file tab (e.gProperty) on the file tab ribbon bar

6. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Documents, Communications & Notes section. Click on Communication.

7. All communications sent by all users from this particular tab will appear on this report. To open a sent item, click on View Icon ()

8. Selected Communication will open. 

Option 3: View All Communication for a Customer File – Communications Tab

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2. Click on Customer Files.

3. Select Rental or Sales on the menu heading.

4. Click on the File Name to open the file. 

5. Customer File will open. Click on Communication on the file tab ribbon bar. 

6All communications sent by all users from the selected file will appear on this report.  To open a sent item, click on Edit Icon ()

7. Selected Communication will open. 

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