Tenant Statements Balances Reports

Tenant Statements Balances Reports

There are two tenant statement options available for users to access:
  1. Statement Balances
  2. Detailed Statement Balance

1. To access the various statement reports, start by clicking on Accounting in the Main Menu.

2. Click on Tenant Statements.

3. Click on Balances on the main menu

4. From the sub-menu, the user can access the following Tenant Statement reports:
  1. Statement Balances
  2. Detailed Statement Balance

Statement Balances report

The Statement Balances report displays the closing balances on all tenant statements as of the chosen date.
1. Click on Statement Balances from the menu.

2. The Statement Balances report will open. 
3. Select the Date on the calendar. The Tenant Balance column will update to the closing balances for the selected date. 
  1. Tenants in arrears – this will appear as a negative amount (e.g. -6300.00)
  2. Tenants in credit – this will appear as a negative amount (e.g. 875.99)
  3. Tenants up to date – this will appear as a zero or null (e.g.0.00)

4 Optional: Export report to excel or PDF.

Detailed Statement Balance report

The Detailed Statement Ledger report provides a comprehensive overview of all tenant statement ledgers across all customer files.
1. Click on Detailed Statement Balance from the menu.

2. The Detailed Statement Balances report will open. 
3. Select the Date Range

4. User is able to filter report:
  1. File Status: Choose between Active, Inactive and All. 
  2. Account Balance Status: Choose between: View All Accounts, Exclude Zero Balances, Zero Balances Only, Arrears Balances Only and Credit Balances Only.

5. Optional: Export report to excel or PDF.

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