Manage & Archive Sale Files

Manage & Archive Sale Files

Video - PropWorx©

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2. Click on Customer Files.

3. Select Sale on the menu heading.

4. Tick file from File List and click Manage File button.

5. Manage file screen will open.

6. Users have the flexibility to proceed with:
Edit a File – Users have the flexibility to proceed with editing, user can edit the:
  1. File Group: Link File to a different file group.
  2. File Name or Description (e.g., file rename or change file description)

Change file Status (e.g., Archive or Reopen a File) – Users have the flexibility to proceed with changing the file status:
  1. Archive File (aka close or deactivate) the file: Click on the Archive file button.

  1. Reactive File (aka Reopen or activate): Click on the Reopen button.

7. To confirm changes, click Save.

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