During legal issues, you can log transactions as either owner costs or tenant costs. These transactions fall into three categories: Fees (agency income), Payments (money sent to third parties), and Provisions (funds kept in the bank for future fees or payments). This system ensures precise financial tracking for legal matters.
1. Click Admin on the Main Menu.
2. Click on Customer Files.
3. Select Rental on the menu heading.
4. Click on the File Name to open the file.
5. Customer File will open. Click on Legal on the file tab ribbon bar.
6. Legal tab will open.
7. Click on the Legal Record button.
8. Selected legal record screen will open.
10. Scroll to the “Transactions section”. Choose the appropriate option based on whether the transaction should be charged to the tenant or the owner. User will have the following options:
- Owner Transactions – rental and sales files
- Tenant Transactions – only rental files
11. Select the appropriate option based: either Owner Transactions or Tenant Transactions. From the menu, select from Payments, Fees, or Provisions depending on the nature of the transaction.
12. The transaction will appear under the Pending section of the Transactions list.
Add a Payment
1. From the menu, select Payments from the menu.
2. The Payment screen will open.
3: Fill in the mandatory fields. All other fields are optional:
- Description: From the Select from list drop-down select the description to be used. This will populate the Description field. Overwrite the description if required.
- Amount: Enter the transaction amount to be paid.
- Frequency: Select the frequency of the transaction (once off, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly).
- Recipient: Select the recipient bank details. User can choose from (a) File Recipient list drop-down or (b) from the beneficiary list () or (c) manually enter the bank details. (see How to select & manage Recipient Bank details)
- Recipient Reference: Fill in the reference to appear on the payment transaction.
- Only for Tenant Transactions (optional): Configure tenant charge automation.
- Netcash Subscribers only: Click Validate Account to validate bank details
4. Click Save to create the transaction.
5. The transaction will appear under the “Transaction section” as well as either under the “Tenant Charges Tab” (for statement invoicing) or “Landlord Expenses” (rental or sales file).
Add a Fee
1. From the menu, select Fees from the menu.
2. The Fees screen will open.
3: Fill in the mandatory fields. All other fields are optional:
- Description: From the Select from list drop-down select between a “Predefined fee” or Custom or “% based fee”. This will populate the Description field. Overwrite the description if required. (see How to create and manage predefined fees)
- Amount: Enter the transaction amount to be debited. If a predefined fee is selected, the amount may be automatically populated. Overwrite the amount if required. If required, add the VAT from the VAT option.
- Frequency: Select the frequency of the transaction (once off, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly).
- Income Account: Select the fee report (aka income account) where the fee needs to be allocated. Select between “As Per Mandate” or “Own Selection”. (see How to manage fee splits)
- Only for Tenant Transactions (optional): Configure tenant charge automation.
4. Click Save to create the transaction.
5. The transaction will appear under the “Transaction section” as well as either under the “Tenant Charges Tab” (for statement invoicing) or “Landlord Expenses” (rental or sales file).
Add a Provision
A provision is a retainment transaction, User will have flexibility to retain monies received or to convert the provision to a payment to releases funds.
1. From the menu, select Provisions from the menu.
2. The Provision screen will open.
3: Fill in the mandatory fields. All other fields are optional:
- Description: Type in a description for the provision.
- Amount: Enter the transaction amount to be retained. If required, add the VAT from the VAT option.
- Frequency: Select the frequency of the transaction (once off, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly).
- Only for Tenant Transactions (optional): Configure tenant charge automation.
4. Click Save to create the transaction.
5. The transaction will appear under the “Transaction section” as well as either under the “Tenant Charges Tab” (for statement invoicing) or “Landlord Expenses” (rental or sales file).
Edit a Transaction
1. Scroll to the “Transactions section”. Click on Edit button.
2. Click on the Edit () button next to the transaction.
3. To confirm changes, click Save button.
Delete a Transaction
1. Scroll to the “Transactions section”. Click on Edit button on the main screen.
2. Click on the Edit () button next to the transaction.
3. To delete, click on the Delete button.
4. To accept the prompt, click yes.
5. Transaction will be deleted from transaction tables as well as either under the “Tenant Charges Tab” (for statement invoicing) or “Landlord Expenses” (rental or sales file).