

The complex/building is the area (like a sectional title, apartment building or shopping centre) where each individual unit is part of a whole complex/building. PropWorx does not consider the complex or building to be a property on its own, only the individual units within them. 

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu. 

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click Complex/Building

4. Complex/Building Report will open.

Add New building

1. Click on Add Building

2. Complex/building screen will open.

3.  Type in the Scheme Name (mandatory)

4. Under Address Section: Search the address in the Search Address field and select address from list. 

5. Optional: Link Contacts to the Complex/Building (e.g., Body Corporate and Caretaker). Click Add Contacts and select contact type (e.g., Managing Agent). Search and select the contact and click add to link contact to the complex/building. 

6. To Finish, click Save. Complex/Building will now appear under the complex/building report and  complex/building dropdown. 

View Complex / Building Profile

1. Click on the Complex Name to view complex/building profile.

2. Selected Complex / Building Profile will open.  

To Edit: Click on Edit to property record details.

To Save: Click on Save Changes to update property record details

To Go Back: Click on Back to go back to main property report

3. Complex/ Building Profile is split into three (3) sections:
  1. Schema
  2. Address
  3. Contacts List

Merge Complex / Buildings

Complex/Building merging allows a user to merge two or more complex/building records into one master record. By merging the records, you will be replacing the one complex/building details with the chosen master record details. All related records including Attachments and complex/building details will be replaced with the chosen Master Record. If the complex/building is linked to any properties, the complex/building details on the property and/or files will be replaced with the chosen Master Record. 

1. Tick the tick box for the complexes/buildings to be merged and click Merge

2. Complex/Building merge screen will open. Select the complex/building to become the Master Record by ticking the tick box and click Merge
  1. Top grid—shows all the selected complexes/buildings
  2. Bottom grid—shows all the related properties that are linked to the selected complexes/buildings (if appliable)

3. All other complex/buildings will be deleted, and their associated properties will be replaced with the selected complex/building (aka master record). Any files linked to the updated properties will now point to the new chosen complex/building instead.

Complex / Building Report

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu.

2. Click Properties.

3. Click Complex/Building

4. Complex/Building Report will open.

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