3. Type in the Scheme Name (mandatory)
4. Under Address Section: Search the address in the Search Address field and select address from list.
5. Optional: Link Contacts to the Complex/Building (e.g., Body Corporate and Caretaker). Click Add Contacts and select contact type (e.g., Managing Agent). Search and select the contact and click add to link contact to the complex/building.
6. To Finish, click Save. Complex/Building will now appear under the complex/building report and complex/building dropdown.
View Complex / Building Profile
1. Click on the Complex Name to view complex/building profile.
2. Selected Complex / Building Profile will open.
To Edit: Click on Edit to property record details.
To Save: Click on Save Changes to update property record details
To Go Back: Click on Back to go back to main property report
3. Complex/ Building Profile is split into three (3) sections:
- Schema
- Address
- Contacts List
Merge Complex / Buildings