Service Providers: Bond Originator
1. Click Admin on the Main Menu.
3. Select Service Providers from the menu heading.
4. Service Providers List will open.
Add a Service Provider
1. To add a service provider to the list, click on the Add Service Provider button.
2. Contact List will appear.
3. Users can choose to link:
- Option A) Link an Existing Contact– type in the search field. PropWorx will filter results of existing contacts. Select by clicking on the contact to be linked to the file. Repeat loading contacts if required.
- Option B) Create a New Contact– click on the Create New Contact button. Select the contact type (i.e., Person or Company). Create New contact screen will appear.
4. Contact Record will appear
5. Click on Edit (
) button.
6. Select Bond Originator from the Service Provider Category from drop-down.
7. Fill in additional details and click save (
) button to confirm.
8. Bond Originator will be loaded under the Service Provider list. It will also appear under the Bond Originator drop-down on the transfer tab.
Edit a Bond Originator Profile
1. Under the service Provider contact list, click on the Contact Name to open the contact's profile.
2. Contact's profile will open to view details.
5. Click on the Edit (
) button.
4. To confirm changes, click the save (
) button.
Unlink a Bond Originator from Service provider list
1. Under the service Provider contact list, tick the Contact to be removed. Click on Delete (
) button.
2. Accept the confirmation prompt.
3. Selected contact will be removed (Note: The contact will not be deleted; the contact will be removed from the service provider list).
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