Banking: Load Manual Transactions

Banking: Load Manual Transactions

You have two options to import transactions into PropWorx: using the bank statement import (see article: Banking: Import Bank Statementor manually entering the transactions. 

1. Click on Accounting on the Main Menu.

2. Click on Banking

3. On the main ribbon bar, select the New Transactions.

4.  New Transaction screen will open. 

5. Select the Cashbook (or the Bank) from the drop-down menu

6.  Click on Add + button on the control panel.

7. Add Transaction screen will open.
  1. Select the transaction Date from the calendar.
  2. Select the File from the File Name field.
  3. Type in a description and reference (optional)
  4. Add the transaction amount under the debit or credit field. 
  5. If required: Select the VAT type from the dropdown.
  6. If required: Tick, the “Show on tenant statement” tick box. 
8. Click on Save to load the new transaction.

9. Transactions will be loaded to the bank statement table. Repeat as required.

10: When ready, proceed with processing the transactions.  Select the transaction rows by ticking them.
11. Initiate the processing by clicking the Process button.

12. The transaction will be processed and recorded in the designated file.
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