Activity & Modification Audit Trail

Activity & Modification Audit Trail

There are two activity logs that keep track of changes and actions of users on PropWorx: 
  1. Modification log
  2. File Activity log

Modification log

Modification log provides an overview of all actions performed on the database. 

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu.

2. Click Reports to open sub-menu.

3. Click on Activity Log

3. Modification Log report will open

4. Modification log provides an overview of all actions performed on the database. 

File Activity Log

File Activity log provides an overview of all actions performed on a specific file. 

1. Click Admin on the Main Menu.

2. Click Customer Files.

3. Click Rental or Sale

4. Open the Customer File by clicking on the file name.

5. Customer File will open.

6. Click on File Activity on the file tab ribbon bar. 

7.  File Activity Log will open to view details.  

General Report Filters

  1. Send Bulk Correspondence – Select by ticking the Record Row/s and click Send button. Choose Email or SMS options.

  1. Show & Hide Table Column – Click on the Columns button. Select columns by either ticking columns (show) or deselecting columns (hide), click OK to update table. 

  1. Export Reports – To export the report, click on Export Button and select between PDF & Excel.

  1. Report Filter Dropdowns – To filter by a dropdown, click on the filter box and select option from the menu. Filter dropdowns may vary between reports. 

Example of some filter dropdowns may include:
  1. Date Ranges
  2. File Status – Active, Inactive and All
  3. Record Status – Open, closed and All

  1. Report filter by Grouping - To filter by a dropdown, click on the grouping box and select option from the menu. Grouping dropdowns may vary between reports. 

Example of some grouping dropdowns may include:
  1. Property grouping – Group by Building, Group by Type and custom
  2. Repair grouping – Group by Property, Group by File, Group by Building and custom

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